Fun facts about Summer

Summer is here.  Grab a lemonade and read these fun facts.

The summer solstice heralds the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The timing of the summer solstice depends on when the Sun reaches its northernmost point of the equator. In 2015, the summer begins with the solstice on June 21 at 12:38 P.M. EDT. This year, Father's Day is also celebrated on the 21st!

If you're a kid, Horace Mann should be your hero. As a parent, you may have more mixed feelings—the education reformer is responsible for summer vacation. In the 1840s, Mann introduced the idea, arguing that overworked minds could lead to insanity and that sitting in hot classrooms could pose health risks.

Summer camp is a tradition that dates to the start of the 20th century. Today, there are more than 12,000 camps in the U.S.

Summer on Uranus lasts 21 years.

The first bathing suit for women was created in the 1800s. It was long sleeved with woolen bloomers.

The Dog Days of Summer refers to the weeks between July 3rd and August 11th. They are named after the Dog Star (Sirius) in the constellation of Canis Major.

Watermelon is summer’s most popular vegetable. It is part of the cucumber, pumpkin, and squash family. The average American eats 15 pounds of watermelon a year and these juicy favorites are 92 percent water.

Popsicles, a popular summer treat, was accidentally invented by an 11-year-old boy in San Francisco in 1905. He left a glass of soda sitting outside and by the next morning the soda had frozen.

July, the hottest summer month in the Northern Hemisphere, is National Ice Cream Month, not surprisingly. Americans eat an average 20 quarts of ice cream a year. Vanilla is the most popular flavor, with chocolate coming in a distant second. 

According to Forbes, the top 9 most hazardous summer injuries are caused by 1) playground equipment; 2) skateboards; 3) trampolines; 4) lawn mowers; 5) amusement attractions; 6) non-powder guns, BBs pellets; 7) beach, picnic, camping equipment; 8) barbeque grills, stoves, equipment; and 9) trimmers, small garden tools.

Mosquitoes, summer’s pest, have been around for more than 30 million years.

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